Monday, 21 October 2013

Using Twitter In A Primary Classroom

Hello everyone! This year, I began my journey with Twitter, adding it to the other social media tools which have become part of our lives. At school, part of my Professional learning has been around developing a PLN and Twitter was a tool that has been show cased. After doing some on line reading, I decided that the children would really enjoy it as well.

To begin our first Twitter session, we discussed what Twitter is and I also introduced some of the Twitter lingo .

We then looked at how we would use Twitter in Year Three....

The children really took to it so easily! They brainstormed possible #tags, used @mention so confidently.

There is so much potential for extending their thinking and learning.

Here are some photos to show how it all went....

Thanks for stopping by!

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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Classroom Management Strategies in a Primary Classroom part three

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing with you my final strategy that deals with consequences. It is the third installment of my classroom management approach and it works well with the reward ladders. The children have lots of opportunities for rewards, but I also feel that they need to know there will be consequences for 'bad choices.'

(sorry about the photo..its laminated and not good with a flash...when school resumes I will take another photo!)

The children really respond to earning tokens and this system incorporates this in terms of a fine. If a student demonstrates poor behaviour, they will receive a warning (name on the board). Should this continue they then place their peg onto the chart onto the warning card. If the behaviour improves, they can take their peg off or if the poor choices continue, a 5 token fine is given. The children really dislike this and usually if this happens, the negative behaviour ceases. Using this system, it has been extremely rare for me to write a note in a child's diary to communicate any poor behaviour with their parents.

The top section again rewards good behaviour. If a child is exceptional, they can also receive rewards from this system. If they manage to make it to the top of the chart, they receive a huge reward...20 tokens and sometimes a prize from the prize box!

This is an easy system to set up. All you need to do is select what your rewards and consequences will be, purchase some pegs and write the students' name on them. Its easy and is a good visual for the students.

Thanks for stopping by!

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