Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Book Creator - inspiring children to write

Hello everyone. Today I would like to share some information about an App that I am using with my Year 4 students. This year we embark BYOD. The children are highly motivated to use their devices for anything! But as a teacher the decision is still what is the best tool for my intended purpose?

We recently participated in a Digi Ed incursion. In this workshop the children created claymation movies using the latest software and editing tools. They thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanted to build upon this experience.

In groups, the children retold the story of Tiddalick. They planned and wrote this following the narrative text structure. I wanted their published copy to be in the form of a digital text. They created scenes from the story as they had from the Digi Ed workshop, (created backgrounds and clay models), photographed each on their device. They are currently using the Book Creator App to publish their stories. They are able to insert their photos, type their text and position using easy editing tools. At home (where it is quiet) they are recording themselves reading each section of their texts. Upon completing, they can import it and read it in iBooks with one click.

Outcome- I am blown away. This app not only enables a professional looking book but it has motivated them to write and to also fully engage in the writing process. They are already planning future books. Students who are normally reluctant writers cannot get enough of this App. Some students have written two or three books at home. One student created a story about cricket with video links and various photos all in a car ride. Hearing a child ask to take his English book home so that he continue his work was astounding!

If you want a way to motivate and engage students to write, Book Creator is something you should consider. There is a free version as well as a paid version.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Monday, 3 March 2014

Another French Knitting Tutorial

Hello everyone. It certainly has been a while since I've shared something on this blog. Term One is well under way and as always, life is busy again. This year I am a yr 4 teacher and have moved up with the students from last year. Routines and structures are being tweaked and new ideas are emerging.

French knitting is always popular with children. I recently bought some knitting looms and decided to create a tutorial. This provides a resource for the children to refer to when they wish to have a go. I am also thinking that there may be a maths investigation forming out of this interest... more will revealed later on.

Meanwhile, enjoy and happy knitting!

Thanks for stopping by!

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